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About Us

Our mission and founding principle is to provide effective healthy ageing solutions to help you feel as youthful and energised for as long as possible. Our aim is to optimise your health and possibly lifespan by enhancing your longevity rituals with science based, high-quality supplements so that you can concentrate on enjoying life, without feeling limited by age.”

Owen & Matt


Curiosity piqued one evening in early 2022 between two friends, Owen and Matt. They were discussing their thoughts on a podcast they had recently shared where Biologist and academic, David Sinclair had been discussing his research on why we age, and why we don’t have to and it was quite simply, mind blowing.


As two new dads, both approaching 40, the reality for these two self confessed adrenalin junkies was that they were slowing down and the reality and the hallmarks of ageing were becoming more and more apparent. Endurance levels were starting to dip, recovery times from training had noticeably increased, and whilst all-nighters now had a very different meaning, quality sleep was becoming harder and harder to come by. If there really was a way to slow down the process of ageing, why didn’t we know more about it?


Supported by Matt’s background in Marketing and E-commerce, Owen, a Pharmacist of more than 15 years got to work researching and formulating to create a range of powerful, longevity enhancing supplements, using only the purest and highest quality raw ingredients to ensure optimal quality and bioavailability.


“There just wasn’t anything on the market that I could hand-on-heart say I was confident enough to buy, let alone consume. The likes of Amazon was flooded with unverified, untested products and I knew that we could do it better. We had the opportunity to set the bar for premium quality, UK made, healthy ageing supplements and so Envivo Biotics was began.”
Owen Keil // Pharmacist
GPHC Reg No. 2070148




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